This week, I would like to introduce WePlay and WePaint apps, use cases of MAXST AR SDK from WYSIWYG STUDIOS, a well-known metaverse content creator.
WePlay is an app that allows you to meet and interact with various characters from fairy tales located throughout the Starfield Library in COEX Mall.
Like the letsee app introduced in the previous post, it is also linked with MAXST's MAXVERSE app, so if you want to go to another place in COEX, you can easily get directions!😆

As you can see in the screenshot above, run the app in the Starfield Library of COEX, select the content you want to see, and look around, the opening video will play and you can experience each content.
Find Santa, the first content is an AR simulation game that follows the whereabouts of Santa Claus with a 1 billion dollar bounty as in the opening video.
When you communicate with NPCs standing all over the library, collect clues and complete a map puzzle with a secret place, a hidden space will be opened.
If you play with Letsee's AR Play - Love Story, you will be deeply immersed in it!
WePlay's second content, Giant Rabbit, is very interesting because you can create special memories in COEX through interaction with the giant rabbit in Wonderland that appears in Starfield Library covered in fairy tale landscapes!
Since this app is based on a fairy tale character, it is highly recommended that those who visit COEX with children play it.
if you are interested, please download it through the following link👇.
Go to Google PlayStore >>
Go to AppStore >>
WePaint, another app of WYSIWYG STUDIOS, shows various AR advertisements when you go outside of COEX Starfield. Also, you can leave your own drawings or messages.
Especially, as in the video below, the moment you encounter a cute cat and a shark that looks like it is actually floating in the air, you will be doubly immersed!!
If you click the crayon button at the bottom left, you will see a screen where you can draw freely, and when you finish drawing, it will be reflected around the AR advertisement. Isn't it amazing?😃

If you are curious about how AR outdoor advertising is implemented, and if you want to share your message with many people in AR, please download this app and visit COEX to try it out!
Go to Google PlayStore >>
Go to AppStore >>
So far, I have explained two AR applications of WYSISYG to which MAXST AR SDK is applied.
If you go to COEX, how about watching a fun and realistic AR outdoor advertisement at the entrance of Starfield and leaving your guestbook in AR?
And I hope you have a lot of fun in the process of finding the missing Santa Claus from the Starfield Library too.
For more information about the AR SDK,
please click the developer site below👇